Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rep: Jesse James Heads To Rehab To Try & 'Save His Marriage'

Due to one of the worst tuesdays I've ever had yesterday and a current concussion I didn't post yesterday.
However here I am today with another pathetic article found on Yahoo from Access Hollywood.

To be honest most of the hollywood headlines make me laugh. Hollywood has gotten out of hand and these peoples lives are about as realistic as a soap opera.

Did we not see this one coming? Oh no another poor horney smuck decides he better show his "Blind Sided" wife he's oh sooooo truly sorry for letting money and fame get to his head, and I don't mean the one on his neck. I don't think James is doing anything different than any other cheater out there. You get caught and all of a sudden you want to play Mr. Nice Guy. These guys also have their reputation as celebrities to worry about. Boo Hoo! You fucked up, face the consequences. Must be nice to have money and a camera crew and someone to write an apology letter for you (Thats coming next) so you can show us how sincere you are about never leaving your John hanCock on another girls waxed paper. Get me?

It just disturbs me to no end that these celebrities don't ever think they should face consequences like normal people. You cheat, you need to let time heal, get help, or leave the bastard. Celebrities think oh we'll wave a wand, he'll go to rehab learn about fidelity and your right hand friend instead of skimpy girls. (Or left if you prefer, switch it up for those extremely lonely months when your wife is out making movies that win Oscars)
I'm sorry but I hope Sandra leaves him. I don't need this to be some happily ever after for the couple. I need it to be like real life, you fuck up that bad, you move on. Rehab is not going to help these guys. Tiger, James, and a whole lot more in Hollywood think celebrity means immunity.

If you actually this article really isn't worth it.

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