Friday, March 26, 2010


My name is Janelle and I'm going to give this blog thing a try. This blog is intended to bring commic relief to what I feel are some pretty ridiculis article titles out there. I'm going to do one tonight to give you an example. I'll try to do one a day and we'll see if I'm as funny as I think I am, or if people agree with me.
If all it does is make you chuckle a little than hey thats enough for me. So enjoy, and welcome to my blog!

"Unhealthiest Foods at the Mall"
Mens Health article on by David Zinczenko
I'm sorry but its titles like these that I can't help but laugh and duh. Could it possibly be the greasy but yet oh so delicious terriaki chicken the asian man lures you into with the free samples(my mall had that)? Not only that but we all know chinese food portions give you enough leftovers for two days.
I'm sure you're chuckling already thinking about the typical line up. Lets see my choices are, chinese, a different chinese, burger king, pizza...5 topping? O wait stuffed pizza! Mcdonalds, mmmm two burgers on one sandwhich, fries and a shake..$8 AWESOME!
These articles are just pointless to me. They're summed up in my mind before reading them. Avoid the courtroom, because honestly I know they offer salads but the second you smell all that greasy food are you really going to want your greens?
If you are a frequent shopper and are looking to cut down those pounds oh and have a fancy shmancy Iphone...well you know what they say, theres an ap for that, called Eat this, not that! I have the mentality to go, Stand back you oh so tasty but bad on my hips shake! But if you need the extra kick this ap will say things like NO NO NO that shake is 770 calories, better have that fruity smoothie instead thats only 150 calories. Yay! Walk on, continue shopping and good luck passing by the cinnabon window...
If you this article.

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