Saturday, March 27, 2010

More Carry-Ons Cause Increase in Injuries

"More Carry ons cause Increase in Injuries"
Found on MSN for NBC news.
Yes its another, Um...duh article title.
Do me a favor I want you to go home and load up your cabinets with all your cans and dry storage food you have and I Mean FILL your cabinets. Walk away, come back and go to open a cabinet for a little afternoon snack....Oh my god did a cambells chicken noodle (tomato for your veggetarians out there...or maybe some lentil soup) can just fall on your head, or you toe? O, Ouch. Could it be because you OVERSTUFFED THE CABINET?! Are we not aware that more clutter into small spaces leads to the possibility of things falling out, or tripping over things? Parents is it safer for you to walk into your own room and put clothes away or into your kids room where you trip over all their toys? Did we really need to pay the camera crew of NBC for them to tell us that more carry on luggage is going to result in injuries when everyones rushing off the plane?
But if you the video.


  1. I am going to play devils advocate. The title of this article is not necessarily facetious. You can't compare cabinets of soup and a messy room to carry on luggage. If flight attendants and people were more attentive luggage injuries would not and should not be a problem. Therefore the limiting factor is the actions/attitudes of the people themselves and not the excess luggage. Let me explain this further...soup and luggage can't be compared because of course injuries are going to be higher in a hectic environment like an airport whereas your kitchen should be fairly peaceful. Furthermore injuries could be reduced if planes were redesigned with extra space for luggage below seats instead of above seats. This article is bringing light to an issue that needs to be addressed and hopefully will be. The correlation between luggage and injuries can be prevented with more organization and care to detail.

  2. Thanks
    but thats exactly my point. These article titles are obvious. I was merely using examples to paint the picture more. Small space, lots of stuff, obvious case for possible injury.

    These are meant to be humorous and yes obviously if you think more about it these articles could raise possible questions in to the design of planes etc.

    As far as peoples actions/attitudes again my point. Do people really not think that after the flight their stuff isnt going to come toppling down onto their heads or someone elses? Goodluck on a movement into changing peoples attitudes and actions in the everyday mad rush to get places.

  3. Well that's just it. It shouldn't come toppling down ideally. That's the point I am trying to make.

  4. Yea i know but everyones trying to bring more luggage on because of the rise in prices to check your bags
