Thursday, April 8, 2010

Test Could Warn Smokers of Cancer Danger

Test Could Warn Smokers of Cancer Danger
A developing genomic exam may spot risk earlier and reverse its progress

By: Lauran Neergaard

Ok so originally I rolled my eyes at this one cause the title made me think, anyone still questioning the surgeon generals warnings? Pretty sure its right there...warning..putting this puff stick into your orally fixated mouth and inhaling its toxins into your body can harm you. Labels people, remember the other day? Labels, not the ones that put you in a box, the ones that are on a box to HELP YOU!

But apparently this article goes deeper than that since apparently Mr Joe Smoe doesn't want to listen to the surgeon generals warning everytime he picks up another $5 pack instead he can get a test done to tell him if he's headed for danger, danger danger (sorry good ol Crocodile Hunter just popped in my head, may he rest in peace). If he's less likely to get cancer from the white stick of doom (or black or whatever other fancy smancy cigerette you smoke is). Or obviously he already has cancer.

Then this article says, if scientists hone this test and the genetic chain reaction (aka, cancer dance in your body, no thanks I wont be RSVPing to that) maybe they can reverse it before it becomes full blown.

I'm sorry people but heres a thought. We could save millions (maybe billions) on tests, research and hospital fees by, hmm...not putting the cancer stick in your mouth in the first place? Just a thought.

And dont think for one minute that if they don't find the molecular thundercloud in your windpipe that it means your risk free. Cause your little nicotine friend causes heart attacks and other cancers too. But no worries my smoking friends I'm sure we'll throw away billions more dollars on researching ways to help your illiterate and orally fixated stubborness because the label means nothing to you and apparntly neither does cancer.

Go ahead, read it. I wonder if scientists can make a cure for ignorant invincible blindedness?

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