Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Study: Breast-feeding would save lives, money

Study: Breast-feeding would save lives, money

Medical Writer

Going to start first by saying that I am not a mother and claim no expertise in this area obviously. However seems to me our bodies do things for a reason. Have we not yet learned this? Since the beginning of pregnancy milk has formed in the oh so lovely place I like to lay my head and put my mouth on. Seems to me if something is happening for a reason, you should use it for that reason! Obviously way back when little miss Henrietta couldn't walk to her local pull out a lovely packaged and somewhat over priced gallon of wholesome goodness. Or a powdered baby formulated version. But, have you also not learned that organic is better?

This article is saying that if you would just whip out your boob every time your adorable mini version of you and the y chromosome person you happened to make this baby with needs it, your child would be healthier and you'd spend less time in the doctors office and possibly have less baby deaths, etc.

Don't mothers spend months going to how to breathe so you don't faint while your pushing out junior classes? Don't they pick up all those nuture, mother books and how to keep yourself healthy and your baby? Pretty sure in those books it would state for the first 6 months put the damn powdered formulated not as good for your baby as your breast milk down and give the kid the purest form. Your body put you through hell for 9 months for a reason. Not so you could go through it all for nothing. Your baby is here now, so do what you can to keep the little person healthy.

Look at it this way, aren't we always jealous when men get to walk around without a shirt on? Hey for six months ladies now you have a reason to walk around half topless.

This article and I understand that time is money as well and its hard to always have the kid attached to your breast, but apparently there's laws getting out there that let mothers have time at work and in public places to make sure your baby gets that nipple! I do not recommend however letting your other pregnant friends breast feed your child. I've heard of this...a little disturbing to me. This game is called whip out YOUR tit, not musical tits. Ok?

I think actually you all should read this article, found on Yahoo. Six months your breast milk only. Period end of story. Why doesn't anybody ever read the labels and listen?


  1. Actually Nell I did my first final PowerPoint on onsite child care. Many companies now have an option to have baby at work, with a private sitting area kind of like a living room/nursery that is available for moms to go and nurse. Saves childcare cost and keeps workers on the job.

  2. "but apparently there's laws getting out there that let mothers have time at work and in public places to make sure your baby gets that nipple!"

    I know I stated that lol
