Saturday, May 29, 2010

Secret Signals Men Give When They Lie

Secret Signals Men Give When They Lie


found on Yahoo.

So Yahoo has been filled with headlines about Obama, the never ending and tragic oil spill we cant seem to figure out how to stop, airplane crashes, and then...this. "Secret Signals Men Give when They Lie", because amongst all the financial, ecological and world hunger tormoil there are women out there still wondering how to tell if their man is lieing or cheating. Newsflash this article wont solve your problem!( :O thats my shocked face :D and thats my big fake grin caused by my smart aleck ways)

This article lists 4 clues to tell if your mans lying by watching his body language and eye movement. Makes me laugh cause I just picture a couple fighting and the guy who just wants to watch football and scratch himself (yes im placing you in a box if you'd rather bake cupcakes or watch Jeapordy all night than here's a blank line for you, _________ fill it in) has to defend himself to his girlfreind about where he was the other day and shes searching for all these clues looking like a bobblehead with her hand on her hips and eyes trying to catch if his move up and to the left.

I than laugh again cause the poor guy is having a hard time taking her anger seriously when she looks like that. So then she gets even more pissed, saying oh I'm glad you find this funny! Then he starts wondering if this fight means they wont roll around in the sheets later and she wonders if his shifty behavior is clue number 3 in that article she read.

Humorous right?

Here's a hint. You're not going to know unless you become like that obsessed professional in the show, Lie to me, which I'm sure all women wish they could have a profession in. Just communicate, and listen. Listen to him, and listen to yourself. You're no dummy you know if he's being faithful or not. Stop paying attention to top 5 clue articles and pay attention to the relationship. Quit worrying and you'll find you have time to notice his behaviors a lot more. Whether they're sincere or not and you'll save me time from picturing women as bobbleheads and having random laughing fits at work. K thanks!